232 Dwellings Tabacalera II
Private development.

With a special mention for the special projected foundations in order to achieve three underground parking levels, up to 10 metres in depth, with a very superficial phreatic level, where screen walls were produced with anchor points at three levels and pile foundations combined with foundation screens with continuous tile finish.

Housing type
Private development.
232 Multi-family dwellings "Tabacalera II”
Property - Promoter
Viviendas de Málaga Vimasur S.A. (Grupo Urvasco)
Urb. Tabacalera II, PERI LO-16 Tabacalera II, parc. M1 y M2, Paseo Marítimo Antonio Machado, C/ Pacífico. Málaga
Project Management
Mr. Francisco Javier Higuera Yela – Architect - Project Manager. Mr. Alejandro Pérez Martínez – Architect – Project Manager Mr. Francisco Ceballos Cerezo – Building Engineer – Site Manager.
Construction dates
Construction years
2006 – 2007 – 2008
Execution time
28 months
20.19 million euros